- Process management
- Business Continuity
- Disaster Recovery
- Information Security
- Policy Database
- Know-how monopolies
- Crisis Communication
- Pandemic Planning
- On,-Off,- Re-Boarding
- Authorization management
- EuroSox
Process management
Process management has been widely establish in the last years as a basis for permanent organisational improvement and for the implementation of legal requirements. Process controlling by key-data, documented compliance with internal and external regulations and financial/operational risk management are based on documented process structures.
Business Continuity
Business Continuity provides an organisation with appropriate reactions on potential disruptions or loss of business (-critical) processes. A solid resilience and recovery strategy embedded in an overall crisis management plan and supported by internal and external crisis communication prevents the organisations from surprises and losses.
Disaster Recovery
A disaster recovery plan consists of the precautions taken that minimize the effects of a disaster, as well as of the restoration or recovery measures for failed resources. Based on the outcomes of the business impact analysis (business critical resources) Disaster Recovery is attached to Business Continuity Management.
Information Security
The value of data and information for financial organisations is usually very high. In order to prevent from intentional or unwanted misuse the protection of these assets is a must. Based on the awareness about the costs of information and costs of recovery management takes the decision to which extent measures are to be taken. In line with BS7799 and ISO 27001 we implement processes for risk reduction and avoidance.
Policy Database
Implementation / completion of a regulatory database for risk reduction, covering Vision – Mission – Strategy – Guidelines – Policy – Procedure, the definition of corporate risk-appetite and the tolerances. Regulations are developed top down, rolled out per business line and adapted geographically.
Know-how monopolies
The longer absence or loss of staff with highly specialised know-how can lead to costly disruptions of processes. The identification of these individuals enables the organisation to impose short-term and mid-term measures that reduces the dependency of business critical processes on single employees.
Crisis Communication
The quality of the communication during and after a crisis substantially contributes to the success of the future business (customers and employees) and to the development of the stock exchange price (Investor's perception). Therefore we prepare the organisation with internal and external crisis communication for all communication channels in order to anticipate unwanted reactions.
Pandemic Planning
The increasing risk of pandemic requires the implementation of contingency procedures that keep the infection rate low and business critical processes up and running. Preventive measures for increased hygiene, logistics, communication and organisational fall-backs embedded in an overall crisis management will reduce the effects.
On,-Off,- Re-Boarding
The recruitment and hiring process (Onboarding) usually is attached the smallest risks. The transfer of staff within the organisation (Reboaring) and the termination of employment can entail financial, legal, image and operational risks. We re-definition of these processes we facilitate that
- Electronical and physical access is always adequate
- The working ability is permanently granted
- The equipment provided reflects the position and matches the inventory in the bookkeeping
Authorization management
A solid authorization management with SOX compliant and auditable process is a basic requirement of risk management. We analyse databases, compare access profiles, find differences, clean them up and identify the reasons. With the implementation of improved processes the accuracy of the authorization is guaranteed.
European stock listed enterprises have to prove the effectiveness of the internal control system to the auditors. CEO and CFO personally are made responsible for the protection of their investors and have to guarantee, that all information with potential impact on the stock price has to be spotted in time and reported accordingly.